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Use the power of keyboard shortcuts to take quick clips into Notion

If a shortcut doesn’t work, check out How to customize keyboard shortcuts for browser extensions.
Here are some shortcuts that you could use to simplify your workflow of taking clips into your Notion workspace using the Copy To Notion extension.

Quick Note shortcut

To take a quick Note and save it with it’s URL,
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + L to open the note popup
  • Write your Note and save it.
To learn more about taking Notes into Notion using Copy To Notion check out:

Screenshot shortcut

To take a quick full screenshot,
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + F to open the screenshot popup
  • Save it.
To screenshot a part of the page,
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + H
  • Select the area you want to screenshot, and save it.
To learn more about taking screenshots into Notion using Copy To Notion, check out:

Bookmark URL shortcut

To take a quick bookmark of the URL,
  • Press Ctrl + Shift + U to open the bookmark popup
  • Save it.
To learn more about bookmarking URLs and save them into Notion using Copy To Notion, check out:

Save Selected Text shortcut

To take a quick highlight and save it, please check out How to customize keyboard shortcuts for browser extensions so you can add your own shortcut for it.
To learn more about saving highlights to Notion using Copy To Notion, check out:

Shortcut doesn’t work?

If a shortcut doesn’t work, or you just want to customize or enable/disable a shortcut, check out How to customize keyboard shortcuts for browser extensions.
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!

Capture, Organize and AccessWeb Content with Ease.

Directly clip images, bookmarks, notes and text into Notion. Simplify your online research and content curation with our Notion Web Clipper.