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How to bookmark a URL into a Notion database

1. Bookmark the current URL

To bookmark a certain webpage, just click on the Copy To Notion icon in your browser toolbar, then choose Bookmark URL. After clicking, a popup will appear.
You can right-click, choose Bookmark URL from the Copy To Notion sub-menu instead of the extension icon.

2. Choose how it is bookmarked

In the popup, you can choose to save the URL as a simple bookmark or as an embed. The embed option allows you to view the webpage's content directly from your Notion page. Also, you can optionally leave a comment or a note that will be saved as caption under the bookmark.
Not all URLs can be embedded; it varies for each website.

3. Select the destination database

  • Click on the dropdown under Save to
  • Type the title of your database on the search input
  • Select your database on the search results.

4. Edit your database form (optional)

The extension automatically matches most of your database properties with the values it provides.
To edit your database form checkout this guide on How to customize your notion database form.
You can create multiple forms for the same database, each serving a different purpose.

5. Save your bookmark

If your database has tags, you can select or create a tag related to your note on the tags drop-down list. Then, click on “Add to Notion” to save your bookmark.

6. Access the bookmarked URL

A little popup should be visible on the top right, you click on Open in Notion, to open the database page where your bookmark is saved.
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!

Capture, Organize and AccessWeb Content with Ease.

Directly clip images, bookmarks, notes and text into Notion. Simplify your online research and content curation with our Notion Web Clipper.