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Getting Started Guide for Copy To Notion

Welcome to Copy To Notion, your go-to browser extension for simplifying your web clipping experience with seamless saving of highlights, screenshots, bookmarks, and notes directly into your Notion workspace.

Key Benefits and Features of Copy To Notion

  1. Streamlined web clipping: Quickly save web content like text, screenshots, and bookmarks to Notion, bypassing manual copying.
  1. Centralized organization: Organize all web clips in one place in Notion, creating an accessible knowledge base.
  1. Automatic URL inclusion: Each clip includes the source URL for easy reference and citation.
  1. Web clips template: Get access to a web clips manager template for a centralized and organized clip management.
  1. Flexible saving options: Save clips to Notion pages or databases as preferred.
  1. Data privacy: Ensures privacy by accessing only shared web pages.
  1. Enhanced URL for highlights: When you save a selected text, saved URL will highlight and scroll to specific text for context.
  1. Personalized forms: Customize how and what content you want to be saved to your databases.
With a clear understanding of what Copy To Notion is, you're now ready to dive deeper into how to use it:
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!
If you haven't installed Copy To Notion extension yet, now is the perfect time to give it a go!

Capture, Organize and AccessWeb Content with Ease.

Directly clip images, bookmarks, notes and text into Notion. Simplify your online research and content curation with our Notion Web Clipper.